Welcome to Piedmont! We at the Piedmont Racial Equity Campaign (PREC) strive to build a diverse, inclusive and thriving community and are excited to welcome you. We've pulled together the below resources to help ease your transition into our community, whether you are looking for information about Piedmont schools, community programs or different opportunities to get to involved or meet others. If you have feedback or additions to the page, please let us know!

School Information
School Board Meeting information: attending school board meetings is a great way to learn about and engage in the major decisions and initiatives happening in Piedmont schools.
Piedmont Education Foundation (PEF) provides financial support to Piedmont schools through fundraising and community engagement. PEF contributes approximately 10% of the district’s annual budget and is the steward for an Endowment valued at over $9.8 million.
- PEF Student Directory: Each year, PEF produces the official Student Directory for all schools which contains family contact info, information on Piedmont support groups, and contact lists for school administration and teachers. It is only available to Parent Club members. To join your school's Parent Club, visit the Piedmont Store.
- PEF is fundraising for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) work with a matching donations see here for details:
Other district wide parents resources:
Piedmont Arts Fund: helps raise funds to support music and arts programs in Piedmont schools
PRAISE (Special Education): parent group who works with the district to support and raise awareness for families whose children have special education needs
Piedmont Parents Network (PPN): facilitates grade-level discussion groups for parents of Piedmont 6th - 12th graders
Advanced Learners Program Support (ALPS): parent group that advocates and supports the needs of high-ability and advanced K-12 students
After school options for PUSD families
Schoolmates: Open weekdays 2:00 - 6:00 pm and offers a variety of play-based programs for all students (grades K-5). Located onsite at each of the three PUSD Elementary Schools. Registration spaces are limited. Contact the Piedmont Recreation Department for questions regarding sign ups.
After School Enrichment (ASE): in-person one-off after school sessions available on-site at each PUSD Elementary School. Sessions are once a week for 75-minute on topics such as art, cooking, dance, chess, coding, fitness and more, all while being a fundraiser for parent clubs. Classes start in September - sign ups here: Havens, Beach, Wildwood.
Piedmont Recreation Department – Our community's Rec Dept offers a variety of classes for all ages. Get the latest info here.
Piedmont Language School (PLS) – offers Spanish and Mandarin language classes with learning through games, songs, stories, and art projects. Classes are offered before and after school several times a week. Registration here. For Qs about the Spanish program, email or call 925-962-9177. For Qs about the Mandarin program, email or call 510-652-5229.
Community Organizations & Groups
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Related Groups
Appreciating Diversity Film Series: Brings to the community powerful documentaries that examine issues of diversity and stimulates community dialogue, encouraging the audience to work toward a more just world.
Piedmont Anti-Racism & Diversity Committee (PADC): works to dismantle systems of oppression, and replace them with policies and practices to nurture a connected and inclusive community through grants, education sessions and partnerships with schools/community.
Piedmont Asian American Club: The PAAC mission is to engage Piedmont schools and community in cultural, educational, and social activities while acting as a forum and resource for Asian American issues in Piedmont.
Piedmont Black Youth Family Collective
Grupo Latino De Piedmont: Affinity group formed to provide connection, identity, fellowship, visibility and support for Latinx Piedmonters.
Piedmont Racial Equity Campaign (PREC):
Our aim is to galvanize the Piedmont community to engage in direct anti-racist actions through four main focus areas: promoting anti-racism policies and environments in the schools, diversifying our city and its leadership, promoting policies that lead to diverse, affordable housing, and reforming public safety efforts.
Additional Community Organizations
League of Women Voters of Piedmont (LWVP): nonpartisan, grassroots organization working to protect & expand voting rights through advocacy, education, and litigation, at local, state, and national levels.
Piedmont Beautification Foundation: In partnership with the city, creates beautiful public spaces that foster a strong sense of pride and community.
Piedmont Center for the Arts: Enables artists and students in music, dramatic arts, visual arts, literature and more to perform and display their works.
Piedmont Community Service Crew: is a youth led group under the Piedmont Scouts of America council. It provides leadership skills to empower Bay Area teens through service in their community.
Piedmont Connect: Supports initiatives and city efforts to build a sustainable future. Piedmont Connect's work includes education, advocacy, and events.
Piedmont Council Scouts of America: provides youth with opportunities to learn new skills, explore the outdoors, build friendships, develop leadership skills and reinforce character values. The largest scout troop per capita in the country.
Piedmont Families FB group - Over 1,700 member Facebook group for Piedmont families, and families with kids in the Piedmont schools, to connect with each other through the COVID pandemic and beyond.
Piedmont Neighbors' and Newcomers' Club (PNNC) - Membership in PNNC is open to residents and employees of the City of Piedmont.
Piedmont Makers : Support and inspire K-12 STEAM education, including the annual makers' faire and the city's robotics league/team
Community Resources
Piedmont City Council and City Council Meetings: city council meetings are a way to stay civically engaged with major decisions happening in the city. Meets the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 120 Vista Avenue and on zoom at 6 p.m. See here for additional meeting and agenda information.
History of Piedmont Site created by Piedmont resident Meghan Bennett to digitize the city's history. Includes information on the history of the city’s parks, homes, schools, transportation, and founding.
Piedmont Portal: provides info to K-12 parents and the broader community about community events and K-12 news (PUSD, Parent Clubs, Piedmont Education Foundation, school support clubs, the City of Piedmont, the Recreation Department, local athletic clubs, etc.). If you would like to receive the Piedmont Portal Newsletter in your inbox, sign-up here.
Piedmont Parks and Recreation Program offers a variety of programs and camps for kids and adults, including after school care, camps during school breaks, and various classes. The department also manages a preschool program.
Piedmont Exedra is a local, independent digital news founded in November 2018 by a group of Piedmont residents who have been active in the community over many decades.
Piedmont Post is the community’s own weekly newspaper. Every Wednesday, their adorable delivery kids bring the paper to your front door (also online with subscription).
City Events & Calendar
Annual city-wide events (some might have older events listed and have not been updated after Covid-19)