PREC Updates: Community Meeting follow up
Thank you for being a part of our community meeting this past Tuesday if you were able to make it. We as a steering committee were inspired by you all, and felt as though we started off on a strong foot. Thank you for your time and energy.
Subcommittee moderators are finalizing dates for the next set of subcommittee meetings and will be in touch shortly with the specifics. If you are interested in multiple subcommittees, you will have access to all of the dates for all subcommittees so you can remain fluid and move through any of them if you wish.
We are in the process of synthesizing this past Tuesday's community meeting discussions and next steps for each subcommittee and will send that out in advance of our next set of meetings. Included below are the links for each subcommittee's documents and the ideas generated thus far (we will be cleaning these up in the next couple of days).
- The next Public Safety Committee Meeting is July 30th at 5:30 PM. It’s their first virtual meeting. The Public Safety Committee of Piedmont was formed as a permanent body when the City Council passed Resolution 3-14 on January 6, 2014, with an assignment to develop recommendations for improving public safety in the City of Piedmont. More info here:
- Join the Youth Anti-Racism Project for our first event, Beyoncé’s Homecoming: In Conversation, a panel discussion about Beyoncé as a Black icon this Saturday 7/18 at 6 PM over Zoom. Register HERE. The Youth Anti-Racism Project aims to mobilize the Piedmont community for liberation by using youth-led, POC-centered collaboration to unlearn prejudice and interrupt discriminatory habits.
- The Mosaic Project hosted Part 1 of a two part experiential workshop for parents. Tools and Tips for Taking Interpersonal Action Towards Social Change – Part 2 is happening Wednesday, July 22nd, 6-7:30PM. Register HERE.
- League of Women Voters of Piedmont has a program this coming Monday, July 20th, 4-5PM on Police Reform. Register HERE.
Labor organizer Jane McAlevey on how the left builds power all wrong - The organizer, scholar, and writer gives a master class in political organizing on The Ezra Klein Show – what is the difference between advocating, mobilizing and organizing? Listen to the discussion HERE.
NPR's All Things Considered asks the question: What would it take to get an effective anti-racist education?
And finally...
“The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members” - Coretta Scott King
Be well,
PREC Steering Committee